In March 2023 planning permission was granted for a new council depot, multi-storey car park and MOT testing centre. The new depot will be sited on scrubland east of the Slyfield Industrial Estate.
To reflect updates and changes to the design, layout and uses of the new depot a new planning application a new planning application was submitted to replace the previous permission.
The application was approved by Guildford Borough Council Planning Committee on 19th June 2024.
The new depot facility brings together a range of the council's departments and services onto one site, including waste services, street scenes, parks, housing repairs and supporting admin teams. The new depot will act as a vital piece of infrastructure for the delivery of basic services to the wider community.
The new depot will provide bespoke, state-of-the-art facilities for the departments and services that will be relocated there. It will provide a major upgrade in the quality of the facilities for staff, and the delivery of council services to the local community. The new facilities will also provide benefits in terms of environmental performance and reduced maintenance costs when compared with the existing depot buildings.
The decision notice for the previous permission can be found here.
A cleaner future
The new depot will contribute to the council's long-term strategy to become a net zero borough by 2030. It has been designed using a 'fabric first' approach which maximises the buildings' performance to improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and reduce ongoing maintenance costs.
Approximate project timeline
Work is due to start in October 2024.